I Stayed Up For That

2009 May 19
by CajoleJuice

I watched five errors by the Mets, including a throwing error by Jeremy Reed to end the game, which was precipitated by a Carlos Beltran gaffe. I guess that’s what happens when half the team is either playing out of position or is a AAA player. But those five errors don’t mention Ryan Church missing third base on his way to (not) plating the go-ahead run in the 11th inning.

I’m not even sure what to throw up on here — it’s 2 AM and I’m totally exhausted due to both the time and the Mets. I just felt like acknowledging the fact that I stayed up to watch what I hope is the most comically bad Mets game of the season. And David Wright is now the only guy hitting on the team (well, Angel Pagan actually went 4-6), so the Dodgers started walking him halfway through the game and will probably continue to do so for the rest of the series. But he’s not a leader. I quote MLB-GAF:

This proves that David Wright isnt the type of leader needed for the Mets to be a good team.

Kobe would rape Church in the shower for that shit and make Beltran watch.

My blog has come back about three times as offensive, hasn’t it?

Related posts:

  1. What a Difference a Day Makes: Los Mets
  2. I Can’t Believe This Shit
  3. The Mets Make Their Bid To Be Considered The Worst Team In Baseball

  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous

    buy dvds on amazon….i bought 8 and paid more for the shipping then the actual retail.

    • http://somewhatmanlynerd.com/blog CajoleJuice

      I feel like you never remember our online conversations haha

      As for Wolfham|Alpha, it’s almost like I posted a reminder to myself, considering it was my time-waster yesterday. Shit told me I should lose 20 pounds.

  • Wolfham Alpha Lillian

    Joel take Emma and yourself for a walk. You are fat. But make sure you get your friends some drinks!