Your Daft Punk TRON Song of the Week

2010 November 26
by CajoleJuice

Daft Punk – C.L.U

The Tron: Legacy soundtrack doesn’t even come out for another two weeks or so, with the movie releasing a week and a half after that, but naturally it has already been leaked to the internet. I’d say listening to a soundtrack before seeing the movie might lessen the impact, but I’m not sure how much it’ll affect the vacuous laser show that Tron: Legacy will likely be. The Clint Mansell-orchestrated Black Swan soundtrack is a different story.

So this soundtrack is really, really good (keep in mind that YouTube quality is garbage). I picked this song because it’s probably the most epic track and while it doesn’t feature much of Daft Punk’s signature electronic sound, it throws a little in there. I could have also gone with “The Game Has Changed“, but that was used in one of the trailers already. And don’t worry if you don’t like Hans Zimmer, there are plenty of tracks with heavy synthesizer use, like “Derezzed“, along with more atmospheric songs like “Solar Sailer” and “Adagio for TRON“. But no one should be shocked that Daft Punk wanted to go a bit more traditional and classical when they got the chance to do the score for a major motion picture. If you obviously have the talent to utilize a 90-piece orchestra, why not do something you’ve never done before?

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