Two Votes???

2010 February 3

You gotta be fucking kidding me. What, are Americans not visiting my site anymore? IT’S THE SUPER BOWL!! VOTE IN THE GODDAMN POLL! The Colts have Peyton Manning on the field, the Saints have Kim Kardashian in the luxury box. The Colts have Reggie Wayne in the slot, and the Saints have Reggie Bush in the backfield. Who ya got?

Maybe it would get more action if it were about the rejected gay dating site ad or Tim Tebow’s anti-abortion commercial? Or perhaps a “Who would be the best Super Bowl performer” poll. That’s actually a good one, but how would I even narrow that down? But I give you an easy poll and you just ignore it, so I don’t know what to think.

I’m not going to look at my blog for a few days — when I come back on Friday, I better see at least…6 votes!

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