What One Week of Unemployment Taught Me
Waking up at noon makes the day that much shorter.
It’s usually something like, “Holy shit, it’s 5 o’clock already? I haven’t even bothered to brush my teeth.” It’d be much worse during the winter. I’d have approximately 4 hours of daylight every day to waste. It’d be like living in Alaska.
I actually spend less time on the internet when I’m NOT at work.
Because I actually read! And other stuff too. I guess. Nothing productive. Actually no, I am looking hard for jobs. Yes, I most definitely am.
Unemployment benefits are bigger than I thought.
Or I’m just a moron who can’t read information correctly. I guess I’ll find out for sure in a week.
Daytime television is — and always will be — a massive wasteland.
The only thing I ever put on is ESPNews. Or maybe Mike’d Up, I admit it. Also, I recently found out Oprah injects estrogen straight into her vagina. I guess this post is as good as any to mention that.
There’s only so much time one can dedicate to analyzing fantasy baseball.
I can’t believe B.J. Upton had 2 steals in 3 straight games. I was CRUSHING my opponent in H2H in the SB category this week, and Upton had to go apeshit. At least I picked up Jim Thome — dude beasted this week. Now if only Joey Votto stopped being a pussy.
Reading outside on a reclining lawn chair in the middle of the day is totally awesome.
I love devouring Dick. Philip K. Dick.
I much rather watch episode after episode of a television show than one two-hour movie.
I know going in that I’m going to end up watching at least three episodes of whichever show, but I just can never seem to bring myself to watch whichever movie I currently have from Netflix. I was right to feel that way about Synedoche, New York.
My alcohol tolerance has been waiting for this moment to revert back to some semblance of its college level.
I feel like I can’t elaborate on that without sounding like a “Look at me, I’m so drunk” douchebag.
I still hate running.
No seriously, it fucking sucks.
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