Obligatory Post About the Blog Move
I’ve had the notification at the top for a few days, but I felt like writing a full post about the change, if only to give people the opportunity to not comment on it. I meant to do this a while ago — and wish I did — but I’m glad I finally made the leap to a self-hosted WordPress blog. There’s just so much more you can do with it. The strain my gifs had on my Photobucket account bandwidth necessitated finally buying some webspace, so installing WordPress on it was the logical thing to do. It’s not like I was getting a massive amount of visitors over at my wordpress.com blog anyway. Once in a while I would get a spike, but I think I can recover most of the traffic in a short time. Well, at least if fellow bloggers linking here change their link to the new, more compact http://somewhatmanlynerd.com.
I haven’t stopped messing around with plugins and my widgets since I imported my blog over. It’s just too awesome. Polls with archives, my twitter feed, subscription and bookmarking buttons — everything a growing blog needs. I think the only thing I want to add to the sidebar is a list of my personal favorite posts, instead of the list of most trafficked posts on my own blog. There’s gotta be a plugin for that. And I’m still on the fence on whether the tag cloud is cool or not. I guess it does get the point across that I love posting about baseball.
This theme rocks pretty hard, and I especially love the 1 -> 2 sidebar format. And the sidebar header I have is perfect, if I may so myself. I think I still prefer a dark background with light text, but a quick twitter poll of my followers disagreed, and they’re (hopefully) the people that will read this.
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