REAL TALK – 1/7/08

2009 January 8

- I really need to start carrying around a notepad (again). With all the things that pop into my mind, but then disappear, these posts would be at least 46% more entertaining.

- Every time I decide to give Macs a chance, I see the price tag. $2799 for a laptop you can get for over $1000 less. But wait, it has a really long-lasting battery!!

- Mark Teixeira might look like a retard, but he’s one of the more articulate baseball players I’ve ever heard. That’ll teach me not to judge a book by its cover.

- Nobody cares about 24 anymore, right? Ok, just checking.

- I can’t classify myself as an e-stalker anymore after seeing this thread. I would need to create my own 2 GB folder of Veronica Belmont pictures. Jesus Christ.

- GTA IV seems to have a reserved spot on every “Games of the Year” top 10 list, and it makes me nauseous. What a turd. Yes, turd. It doesn’t even deserve a curse word.

- I would sleep so much more if dreams were more vivid and easily remembered. You know you would too. Unless you’re one of those strange happy people.

- Microsoft is releasing a public beta of Windows 7 this Friday. I recommend downloading it, as from impressions it is basically a surprisingly stable Vista SP2. I wouldn’t doubt the stability. They don’t want to frustrate any more people into buying overpriced Apple products.

- The next person who says Zach Snyder is a talented director is getting a punch in the balls. He just took the comic book frames from 300 and strung them together in slow-motion. Even if Watchmen turns out good, I still won’t be impressed until he makes his second film not ripped from the pages of a graphic novel.

- Playing Civilization IV to Command and Conquer music is a transcendent experience.

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