I Wish I Made This Post Earlier
I would’ve been the top hit on Google for “muxtape RIAA”! I googled it about 5 hours ago and there were no stories or blog posts about the message that has been residing on the muxtape.com website for hours now.
Muxtape will be unavailable for a brief period while we sort out a problem with the RIAA
Translation: Muxtape is totally fucked and will be shut down by the RIAA any day now.
I’m so sad. I put so much work into that shit. Constantly updating, favoriting other muxtapes…all wasted. All because the RIAA is a bunch of pricks that don’t realize Muxtape is something that exposes a person to new music. It’s not hurting the industry, assholes. It’s not like people can download off of Muxtape anyway. (Well, maybe there’s some person that came up with a way to do it, but that’s besides the point.)
It was inevitable, but I still don’t want Muxtape to go away. Why do I get the feeling that Muxtape will never be back from “sorting out this problem with the RIAA”?
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