Your Randomly Heard In A Bar Song Of The Week
Radiohead – Lotus Flower
I was on a posting hiatus when the new Radiohead album came out. Maybe if it was a life-changing piece of art like some fans regard each of their albums, I would have bothered to throw up some words on it. Don’t get me wrong, I love about half of their catalog, but Amnesiac is pretty garbage. But to come back around to talking about their newest output, The King of Limbs, it’s definitely a slow, minimalist album that most people think has more in common with Thom Yorke’s solo work than Radiohead’s past music. If I had listened to The Eraser more than once maybe I could relay my opinion. I like this song, though, and hearing it at the bar along with some other good tunes like “Bloodbuzz Ohio” from The National helped me forget that my friend actually asked me, “So did you see ‘Atlas’ this weekend?” I shouldn’t have to explain why that is at once both amusing and depressing.
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