Your Lost in Translation Song of the Week

2009 September 4

My Bloody Valentine – Sometimes

I originally wrote up this post weeks ago, right after watching Lost in Translation for the first time. That’s usually how these posts go. I watch something for either the first time, or just for the first time in a long time, and I decide to post an awesome song either from it or related to it. So here we are. I thought of maybe writing up a mini-review of the film, but instead I will simply say that I’ve never seen Scarlett Johansson look better, and I doubt she ever will. That counts as a mini-review, right?

In related news, this made me finally check out the album Loveless — I’ll stick to this particular song, thanks.

Related posts:

  1. Your Deleted Song of the Week
  2. Your Melancholy Song of the Week
  3. Your First Song of the Week of 2009

  • Malcolm

    See Match Point if you want to be proven wrong.

    • CajoleJuice

      Never have I so wanted to be proven wrong before.