No Blog For You! Come Back, Three Weeks!

2009 April 24

For the next 21 days, you won’t be subjected to my ruminations on the patheticness of the Mets, my thoughts on random movies, my random embedded YouTube vids, or my lazy scattered comments compiled into “real talk.” This is due to an actuarial exam. Google it. I’m not even going to allow myself time to go out and get drunk in the next three weeks, so I’m not going to spend it writing posts for the few people who visit this corner of the internet. I probably should have written something up for my first Citi Field experience last Friday, as I’m sure you’re extremely interested. I apologize profusely. I will be attending one more game between now and May 15th, so I will have TWO games to base my observations on when I come back. Isn’t that exciting? I would also like to see Crank 2 between now and then, but I doubt I will. I don’t think a review is required, anyway. Go see it if you want to see Jason Statham be the centerpiece of amazingly awesome insanity.

Here’s to hoping that the Mets manage to win a game that Johan Santana doesn’t start in the next three weeks. And that I actually study every waking moment I’m not at work in order to pass this god-forsaken exam. I’m not sure which is more likely.

Oh, and I leave you with this:

Thanks to myself, Y2Kev, and Windu over at NeoGAF.

Related posts:

  1. K-Rock is Back!
  2. I Need To Get My Traffic Back Up, And Sex Sells…
  3. A Bunch of Links I Should’ve Posted Weeks Ago

  • Lauren

    Good luck on your exam! I know you’ll kick it’s ass. :)

    • Lauren

      Aw fuck, there goes the deterioration of my English skills again. :( I meant “its,” not “it’s!”


  • Lauren

    Aw fuck, there goes the deterioration of my English skills again. :( I meant “its,” not “it’s!”


  • Lauren

    Haha, annnnd double post for the final screwup :’(

    I’ll be leaving this commenting page just about now…

  • RichardAM

    You are slowly going to go insane and die.

    • CajoleJuice

      That’s already been happening for the past (almost) 23 years.

      And I was wondering why there were 5 comments on here.

  • Junpeipei

    Happy Birthday

  • Aries

    Happy birthday (April 29th) from EB dude

    gl on yer tests

  • Smooth Groove

    Happy Birthday!

  • CajoleJuice

    I’m touched.

  • sarcasm

    oh no! whatever will i do??

    • CajoleJuice

      Post snarky comments on other blogs?