Rebranding is Getting Out of Control

2009 March 17

First, there was Pepsi’s redesign, which included Mountain Dew being rebranded as MTN DEW. But that was a drink already known for being EXTREME.

Then, Gatorade decided to throw away decades of brand recognition by shortening its name to one letter and making some of the worst commercials I’ve ever seen.

Now, the Sci Fi Channel is changing its name to some retarded spawn from texting hell.

At least that’s what they say:

“The testing we’ve done has been incredibly positive,” Mr. Howe said of the Syfy name, reading what he described as a comment from one participant: “If I were texting, this is how I would spell it.”

If I ever saw someone abbreviate science-fiction in that manner, I would’ve smashed them in the face with an X-Files complete box set. Of course, I never would’ve had the chance since NO ONE IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD HAS EVER TYPED IT THAT WAY (until now). I refuse to believe these people actually exist. These network execs are more full of shit than those of AIG. This is just their excuse to air whatever the fuck they want, which means the Sci Fi Channel is going to blend in with the rest of the indistinguishable cable channels — not that it hasn’t already started that move already, what with professional wrestling and Liar, Liar being part of the programming. And not that I actually care either, as the only show I watch on it is Battlestar Galactica, which has exactly one episode left.

I just wonder when this trend towards moronic, internet generation-fueled logos and names will end. What’s next? The Weather Channel becomes Wchan? The Dow Jones becomes the DoJoz? I eagerly await the remake of The Third Man titled T3M.

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