Yes, Another One of Those Election Quizzes

2008 October 14

I haven’t posted any of these yet, but I’m sure you’ve taken a few. This one seems to be a bit more professional than others I’ve seen. Maybe because it’s made by a nonprofit, nonpartisan legitimate organization. It’s also pretty simple and quick. If I — a person who can’t be bothered to watch more than a minute of these presidential debates — made it through the quiz, anyone can.

My results:

Barack Obama: 79%
Cynthia McKinney (who?): 78%
Ralph Nader: 73%
John McCain: 49%
Bob Barr (lol): 35%

Who’d it tell you to vote for?

Related posts:

  1. Obama is Unstoppable
  2. Thank God This Shit Is Over
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  • liberalofdoubt

    It told me to vote for Nader. (I’m an Obama supporter).

    These sort of tests always show me that my beliefs are more liberal than I think they are…

  • CajoleJuice

    I get a different answer for pretty much every quiz I take.

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