“Rock Band” Announced by Harmonix, EA

2007 April 2
by CajoleJuice

Now you can pretend to play musical instruments in a group! Hopefully, you will be able to faux perform some songs from the band pictured above this time around.

IGN has a pretty decent write-up on what little is known at this point. Since MTV owns Harmonix now, they have a bunch of music labels on board and the master tracks will be supplied for the songs. Sounds pretty awesome to me. What won’t be awesome will be the amount of money you’ll need to shell out to get all four proprietary controllers, especially since the guitar for the Xbox 360 version of Guitar Hero II won’t be compatible. There better be a way to buy the controllers separately though. Think about it, one friend could just play bass at home when you’re not together, another could practice singing with the microphone…actually, this is pretty pathetic to think about. I really need to ramp up my time learning real guitar.

One thing is for sure – I’m surprised that EA is actually taking a significant financial risk making a game this ambitious. But I guess they figure it’s a lock after the shocking success of the Guitar Hero series and the insane buzz around the Wii. People just like to pretend doing stuff in the comfort of their living room or dorm room.

Related posts:

  1. “Rock Band” News: RIDICULOUS
  2. First Rock Band Gameplay Video
  3. Guitar Hero vs. Rock Band: A Clusterfuck