Remember When I Said My Inception Hype Was At Its Low Point?
My anticipation has passed that small valley. Maybe because a few regular people I know on the internet have seen it and subsequently made a mess in their pants. Maybe because it’s been another 24 hours, and now it’s only 3 days away. Maybe because I found out that the Ziegfeld Theater in New York City is showing it. Maybe because I actually got some things done today and I’m not worrying about them.
In case, you don’t know what the Ziegfeld Theater looks like (I’m going to guess you don’t):
Click here if you want to see more pics.
I saw Blade Runner: The Final Cut there a few years ago and I always meant to make a post about it. Of course, I never actually did, but now I finally have another excuse to post a picture. Look how fucking sweet that is. Why watch Inception anywhere else?
I almost feel like I would need to wear a suit.
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