Baseball Really Sucks Time Away From Everything Else

2010 July 6
by CajoleJuice

There’s watching the Mets. There’s watching MLB Network. There’s reading about the Mets. There’s watching 4-hour-plus Yankees-Red Sox games. There’s reading up on fantasy advice. There’s managing three fantasy teams using that advice. There’s following and posting on Twitter during Mets games. There’s hitting F5 and posting in the MLB-GAF thread. There’s betting on the games and watching through 스포츠중계. In short, being a hardcore, internet-addicted baseball fan has to take up more time than any “hobby” other than playing World of Warcraft.

Flip Flop Fly Ball, of course, made an awesome chart that graphically displays what I’m trying to say in words. I fucking love his site so much. I wish I could be so awesome.

(Click to embiggen)

Naturally, such a chart applies to any team, and would extend another month for a fan of a team which happens to make the World Series. And this chart doesn’t even count most of the things I mention in the first paragraph of this post. The fantasy team managing would overlap with work. Sleep would be hurt by West Coast trips. Other stuff would be “reading about baseball.” It’s really insane. And then when you count all the hours I put in practicing and playing baseball for most of my life, I’ve spent more time with baseball than married people have spent with their significant others.

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