Weekend Links – 4/25/10
Presented by a college baseball player doing his best Willie Mays Hays impression. And I’m starting to think that maybe these posts would make more sense on a Saturday morning…
The 120 Minutes Archive – Remember when MTV used to play music videos? Me neither. But here’s your time machine. YouTube can still be immensely useful, it seems.
The Art of Naming A Fantasy Team – I take pride that none of my three teams this year fall into one of those most popular categories. F-Core Future wins.
FSI Language Courses – This is pretty insane. Learning material in PDF and audio form for 41 languages. I’ve always wanted to learn Swahili.
What if I had bought Apple stock instead? – Makes me wish I bought Apple stock when I was 11 years old. What kind of dumb kid didn’t realize Steve Jobs was about to rescue his company from irrelevance?
Mike Pelfrey and His Soft Stuff – Some light, PitchFX-informed discussion about Mike Pelfrey’s early season success. I think any Mets fan should be interested. Summary: he isn’t throwing his fastball as much.
The Road by Cormac McCarthy – No, this is not the book, but a review of it. A review with which I agree wholeheartedly. So you should go read the book. ASAP.
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