I Now Have The Starcraft II Beta – 2/22/10

2010 February 22

The Blizzard gods apparently have chosen to end my public suffering.

Related posts:

  1. I Still Don’t Have The Starcraft II Beta – 2/19/10
  2. I Still Don’t Have The Starcraft II Beta – 2/21/10
  3. I Still Don’t Have The Starcraft II Beta – 2/20/10

  • http://miguelmolinajr.com Miguel

    I was expecting more along the lines of

  • http://miguelmolinajr.com Miguel
    • http://somewhatmanlynerd.com/blog CajoleJuice

      I don’t know, I made this a while ago, and I figured it was appropriate. I also stopped watching Entourage a while back. I’m kinda shocked it’s still going.

  • http://miguelmolinajr.com Miguel

    I take it we won’t be getting any new updates for the next…oh, ever. *curseoftheblizzardgods

  • Malcolm

    Hey. Hey. Hey You. YOU.

    Give me a beta code or I will murderize your RSS feed.

    • http://somewhatmanlynerd.com/blog CajoleJuice

      I *think* I’ll be giving my spare beta key to someone else — but if his PC doesn’t seem up to the task, I will give it to you just because you asked so nicely.