Dan Patrick is a Pimp

2009 March 9

Courtesy of (where else?) Deadspin:

I felt the need to immediately throw up this Deadspin post due to Dan Patrick being one of my childhood idols. I knew early on I wouldn’t be one of the guys actually PLAYING sports on television, so I always thought it’d be pretty cool to be one of the guys just talking about them. Patrick and Keith Olbermann shaped my upbringing through every episode of Sportscenter I watched morning, evening, and after bedtime. To be more specific, every episode of “The Big Show” in which they were paired up.

While Olbermann has moved on to being a sanctimonious political commentator on MSNBC, Patrick has continued covering sports — albeit no longer with ESPN. Olbermann gets to interview lying douchebags on his show — a show routinely out-rated by The O’Reilly Factor — and Patrick gets to bearhug a pair of hot sisters. Erin Andrews’ fanboys are humbled by DP’s greatness.

And just to end the post, the most disturbing comment in the Deadspin thread:

I wonder when Dan Patrick is undressing before sex, (/nightmare fuel) does he whip it out and say “Welcome to the Big Show”.

Related posts:

  1. Happy St. Patrick’s Day
  2. How Have I Not Seen This Sportscenter Commercial?
  3. Things I Learned This St. Patrick’s Day

  • RaiulBaztepo

    Very Interesting post! Thank you for such interesting resource!
    PS: Sorry for my bad english, I’v just started to learn this language ;)
    See you!
    Your, Raiul Baztepo