Your Song of the Week

2008 December 22
by CajoleJuice

The Mars Volta – Inertiatic E.S.P.

(actually, the first minute and half or so is the track before it, Son Et Lumiere)

Related posts:

  1. Your Song of the Week Returns – 4/12/11
  2. Your Experimental Jazz Song of the Week
  3. My Unemployed Song of the Week

  • 310ToJoba

    The Mars Volta make me sad, only because they force me to remember how awesome At the Drive-in was and how said band is no longer around.

  • CajoleJuice

    Probably because I heard The Mars Volta first and then went back to check out ATDI since I heard so much about them, but I’m not really a fan of ATDI. I like a couple of songs on Relationship of Command, but that’s about it. That being said, the albums from TMV have steadily gotten worse (although I haven’t listened to their latest).

  • CajoleJuice

    Mars Volta…the worst live band EVER…and their studio stuff sucks too