Jizz in My Pants

2008 December 7

No, this is not a description of my Saturday night. This is the title of the newest SNL Digital Short — the funniest things on SNL nowadays. Andy Samberg has to be the best current SNL cast member, since he’s the only one whose videos go viral on the internet the next day. I think that’s all anyone can go by nowadays since no one watches SNL anymore. Between Lazy Sunday, Dick in a Box, and now Jizz in My Pants, Samberg has been part of a trilogy of comedy greatness. I guess I should give some credit to the rest of The Lonely Island gang, though, as they are also in this video.

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.758794&w=425&h=350&fv=key%3D4d034db100%26autostart%3Dfalse%26internal%3Dtrue]

I bought a Blu-ray player on Friday and I jizzed. in. my pants.

Related posts:

  1. Another Funny SNL Digital Short
  2. George Brett Shits His Pants Frequently
  3. Peyton Manning is Funny?

  • malek

    I posted a reply and I


  • kat

    animated gif please!!

  • http://www.myspace.com/vojha vojha
  • SNL

    snl has gotten better lately, i agree that was funny but there is a lot of other stuff that takes talent and the currant crew does pretty well (i.e. Kristen Wiig as Judy Grimes <– so epic all three times)