The Dark Knight Blowout

2007 December 22


You should probably reload the page to see that from the very beginning. It’s long. Very long. And very awesome.

Probably better than the trailer for The Dark Knight. Despite what the reactions of internet fanboys might have been, it wasn’t anything amazing. Heath Ledger seems to have pulled off the Joker well, but there’s nothing in it that made me giddy. Explosions, the Joker looking/acting/sounding insane, and Bruce Wayne asking, “What would you have me do?” again. Some people complain about how Nicholson as the Joker overshadowed Batman in the 1989 film, and it appears that the same thing is happening again. (But it’s probably just trying to show off the new villain — we already know how awesome Christian Bale is.)

To judge for yourself — if you somehow haven’t watched it already — here’s the page.

On the other hand, the prologue (which is the first 6 minutes of the film) is totally awesome. Unless you want to go into the movie as fresh as possible, you need to watch it.

Shitty quality IMAX bootleg that still manages to be amazing.

Heat: Joker Edition. Apparently it looks absolutely incredible in IMAX, due to Christopher Nolan utilizing IMAX cameras in filming that scene (in addition to a few others in the movie). I really hope I don’t have to trek into the city to watch The Dark Knight in IMAX, because I think it’s pretty much necessary after knowing that.

I really cannot wait. After finally getting around to watching Memento, I now have even more faith in Christopher Nolan. And that movie was based on a short story by his brother Jonathan, who helped to write the screenplay for The Dark Knight. All signs point to awesome.

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  1. A Unique Theater Experience
  2. Bootleg of New The Dark Knight Trailer
  3. This Week Is Gonna Be Pretty Awesome