Weekend Links – 3/7/10

2010 March 7

A Disturbance In The Force – BURGER WARS. This would be the post the above graphic originates. The title comes from treating McDonald’s as the black McEmpire and displaying other fast-food places as different-colored pockets of resistance. I have no problem with making McDonald’s evil. Does anyone find it strange that Dairy Queen’s region of dominance is the coldest part of the country? Sure, there’s 5 feet of snow on the ground and the wind chill of -40, but I sure want a DQ Blizzard!

My Roger Ebert Story – Will Leitch recounts how he grew up idolizing the film critic, attended his alma mater, initiated contact with him, met and hung out with him, asked him for advice, and then turned on him with an article entitled “I Am Sick of Roger Ebert’s Fat F—ing Face.”

Jenrry Mejia Looks Like Jenrry Mejia – A plea to not turn the Mets’ #1 pitching prospect into a reliever. I agree with this. I don’t want the Joba fiasco to happen with the Mets. Keep him in the minors and let him develop as a starter and don’t bring him up until he’s ready to START.

Mets as Best Picture Nominees – This is pretty cool — I get to kill two birds with one link. Jose Reyes = District 9 and K-Rod = Avatar are the best comparisons.

8 History-less History Channel Shows – This list is just kinda depressing. Not that I’ve watched the History Channel in years. But that just means I watched more when it showed actual history. I’m not responsible for this, I swear!

Everything I Know About Japan, I Learned From Mr. Baseball – I enjoy linking to stuff that involves Tom Selleck.

Best Single Season WAR (without winning the MVP) – The required weekly link to a post featuring sabermetrics.

Valve’s Big Fat Hint: Steam for Macs? - I really need to dedicate a full blog post to this, but I might as well sneak this in here for now. This has been a big sticking point for me with regards to Macs. No Steam = no sale. Now what do I use as an arguing point?!?

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