Your Springsteen Impression of the Week
Arcade Fire – (Antichrist Television Blues)
No need to embed a shitty homemade unofficial music video. Now this is a song I actually have posted on here before, but I particularly love it, and I enjoy coming up with unique titles for these posts. You probably didn’t listen to it the first time around anyway.
I feel like I’m in the minority in liking Neon Bible more than Funeral, and I think it’s solely due to Win Butler doing his best to sound like The Boss. Funeral has a few great songs, but I just prefer Neon Bible the entire way through. Perhaps I should expound my position, but I haven’t felt much like posting lately. You might have noticed that. I blame the need to study and also my despondence when it comes to my chances of actually passing the exam I am studying for. I think more about studying than actually doing it, which puts it on a list with approximately two dozen other activities. Examples would include video games and sex, but I’m pretty sure the latter goes for every guy. Unless they’re having sex every six seconds.
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