Your Experimental Jazz Song of the Week

2010 April 28

Jaga Jazzist – One-Armed Bandit

I was tempted to go with a Black Keys song off their latest album slated to be released in May, but I figured after how the last music post with a leaked song turned out, I’d go with a track that’s already been officially released.

Hopefully this song sufficiently blows your mind. Maybe you don’t like a multi-layered sound with brass and electronic noises and flute all coming at you at once accompanied by abrupt time-signature changes, but you should. And if you do, check out the full album (also by the name One-Armed Bandit), as it’s fantastic.

I find that the only albums I find myself listening to over and over front to back beginning to end are ones where there’s arguably too  much going on.

Note: For whatever reason, the flash code for embedding mp3s wasn’t freaking working, so I unfortunately have to post a low quality YouTube video. Garbage.

Note 2: I should acknowledge @deathbyvolcano‘s superior music knowledge, as he was the one who told me to check out this album.

Related posts:

  1. Your Deleted Song of the Week
  2. Your Indie Song of the Week
  3. Your Song of the Week Returns – 4/12/11