Muxtape: Create and Share Your Own Mixtape

2008 April 2

Countdown until shut down starting NOW.

The beauty of Muxtape is the total simplicity.

1. Make an account
2. Upload up to 12 songs (with a 10 MB limit)
3. Organize/tag songs
4. Profit?

Well, the fourth one isn’t true, but your friends can stream your mixtapes with ease.

I decided to nerd it up and upload game music. But awesome game music. I’m not quite done, but I’ll continue updating, and probably with different themes in the future.

Make some and post them in the comments section, people.

Related posts:

  1. So I Gave Up That Game Music Muxtape Idea
  2. Muxtape Hacked?
  3. Muxtape Will Be Sorely Missed

  • RichardAM

    No Kelly Bailey/Half Life tracks?!?

    It’s a good idea though- definitely only a matter of time before legalities come in and shit all over it.

  • CajoleJuice

    Well, I do like both Half-life soundtracks…but I’ve never listened to them out of game. Good suggestion. I’ll have to go through the soundtracks to find the awesome.

  • joe h

    Oh man, I’m all over this. Gimme 10 seconds.

  • joe h

    I’m in a remix mood, this is a mix tape, it’s guaranteed to get the party movin’. What’s not to like? Man, I just put this together in 15 minutes, i love it.

    by the way, one of my tracks is totally over 10 mb. sucks for them, good for you!

    Holla back.

  • CajoleJuice

    You try too hard sometimes, dude. haha

  • joe h

    lol I’m too much of a geek about this stuff. Why can’t I give a shit about stuff that’ll help my grades out, like the Canterbury Tales? :P