People With Too Much Time On Their Hands

2008 October 16

I readily admit to wasting too much time on the internet, watching TV shows, and generally pissing away what mental capacity I have left. These guys have embraced their nerddom, but in completely opposite ways. One created pretty much the most impressive handheld gaming system I’ve ever seen, while the other has sunk more hours into World of Warcraft than a small Chinese city.

That’s a freaking DREAMCAST. Complete with disc drive(?) and a handheld feel similar to the real Dreamcast controller. Holy shit. I would be all over that if more than one existed in the world. Can you imagine all the reverence you would garner by playing Soul Calibur and Virtua Tennis in public? Or awkward stares. Whichever. Probably depends on whether you’re in Japan or not.

Yeah, so that’s awesome. Now the bad. The scary. The depressing.

What. The. Fuck.

It costs me exactly $5711 in subscription costs per year with 36 accounts on the 6 month pay schedule. Not bad considering I’m looking at it like it’s a hobby and there are more expensive hobbies out there than World of Warcraft.

Really? What hobbies cost $15 a day? Wait, let me rephrase that: What hobbies as totally unfulfilling and worthless as WoW addiction cost $15 a day? I don’t think being a cokehead or crack addict counts as a hobby. The closest comparison I can think of is being a Chicago Cubs season-ticket holder. That’s pretty unfulfilling, I imagine.

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  • RichardAM

    Sega should totally release that. Or administer some legal wranglings so they sue and get the money so they can afford to release it.

    The bottom photo, it’s not a photoshop? That’s for real? Damn scary.